Experience report on Professional Improvement: changes in Assis mental health towards the Psychosocial Paradigm

mudanças na saúde mental de Assis rumo ao Paradigma Psicossocial

  • Bárbara Vukomanovic Molck
  • Liamar Aparecida dos Santos
Keywords: professional improvement, mental health, mental health production modes


This work aims to report a reorganization experience of mental health network in a municipality in the western region of the State of São Paulo; Psychologists from the Professional Improvement Program participated in a mental health clinic closure. We display a brief history of Brazilian Psychiatric and Mental Health reform in Assis, and assumptions about public health policies constituted in SUS, more specifically in the field of Primary Care and Psychosocial Care and about the modes of production of Mental health. Then, we report our experience highlighting the tensions between the modes of production of mental health in the process of reorganizing the mental health care network.
Relato de experiência